Friday, June 24, 2011

Kafka on the shore-1

I tried to do a series of illustrations for Haruki Murakami's fiction "Kafka on The Shore". As a reader of Murakami's books, it's a exciting challenge that watching me to build up the story through my works. However, this was also the most difficult text I have ever worked with. As long as you had ever read his fictions, you couldn't get rid of that layers and layers of metaphors weaved in between the story, such as different time and spaces interlace with each other. Or, to put it more clearly, in this case, the son makes love with his biological mother's teenage spirit, in dreams.

海邊的卡夫卡(下) 第29章 P.79


 “Kafka on The Shore” Taiwan version's cover
   “Kafka on The Shore” U.S.A version's cover

Friday, June 10, 2011

The making of "Tsunami"/part 3.


我決定用幾張不同的、本次災難記錄下的照片,合成一幅橫向長形的圖片,然後用描圖紙一筆一筆重新描繪出這個虛擬卻又真實的場景。至於形式上,除了我一直都對於長形的畫很感興趣,也是對東方文化的呼應;如同《清明上河圖》、或是最近很夯的 《富春山居圖》,只是印象中文人畫極少描繪災難,然而災難幾乎是我們今日的日常風景了。


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The making of "Tsunami"/part 2.


At the beginning, I knew I will need a horizontal and long image for my cover. This main image should be the most important element in the book, and literally records the shocking scenes of the tsunami tragic. Then, here is the point: what kind of contents should I put in the book to correspond the cover? I think that human beings not only use scientific numbers to record disasters, but also, even more, with legends, myths and subtle traces in cultures. And if the cover of the book is sorrowful, can the interior of the book be something that cheering, for we people?

The first thing I thought of was the mermaid. In old myths, mermaids like to seduce exhausted sailers with their beautiful and exotic vocals. In a dark, foggy night, the ship is missing, and then follows the voice of mermaids to somewhere no one knows. The tales of mermaids are always related to their convincing voices. If we can have one mermaid as the coast line watcher, and can ask people to evacuate when disasters come, then no one will be killed. The mermaid here also put on the uniform of Japanese female tour guide. So the character can be more into Japanese cultural contexts.

